10 Greatest Fake Pro Wrestlers In Movies

1. Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson (The Wrestler)

WWE Zeus
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Brilliantly portrayed by a buffed up, bleached blonde Mickey Rourke, Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson is a middle-aged burnout longing for his glory days. A major star during his 80s prime, Robinson has fallen far from superstardom and now works high school gyms with indie stars half his age.

A heart attack brought on by a combination of excessive steroid use and a blood soaked death match (featuring actual death match legend, Necro Butcher) force Robinson to reconsider his life. As a character study, The Wrestler is a sad and compelling drama of a man who has alienated everyone and thing in his life outside of the ring. Its depictions of wrestling are exceptionally well done, capturing the pain and danger of the bumps workers must take every time they get into the ring (unless they’re Bill Goldberg at least). It also depicts darker parts of the craft such as blading and the disturbing level of reality involved in death match wrestling.

When an attempt at more conventional life proves too much, we follow Randy back to the ring for a poignant, much discussed finale. A great film and character for fans and non-fans alike.

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John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.