10 Greatest Female Wrestling Managers Ever

4. Sunny

Sunny liked shiny things A LOT and she chased after them as the premier manager in WWE during the mid-1990s. The tag team titles were her primary focus as she led the Bodydonnas (Skip and Zip) to the gold at WrestleMania XII, then dumped them when the dropped the championships to the Godwinns. It was then that she used her feminine charms to manipulate poor Phineas Godwinn and become he and cousin Henry's manager. What she actually did was play with the hillbilly's emotions, sucking him in and then breaking his heart by kissing Billy Gunn and helping the Smoking Gunns regain the tag titles. She would have her longest association with the tag titles with Billy and Bart but even that relationship came to an end when the brothers dropped the gold to Owen Hart and the British Bulldog. Sunny would put her infatuation with the tag titles on the back burner and focus on acquiring the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Introducing the company to Faarooq, she watched as the former collegiate football standout dominated competition and advanced to the finals of the tournament to crown a new champion. Unfortunately, "Wildman" Marc Mero thwarted her plans to add the IC title to her managerial resume. It was really the end of her career in that role for a year but she never stopped recruiting potential talent. She took a great liking to Rocky Maivia but that never really went anywhere. At WrestleMania XIV in March 1998, she returned to the spotlight, guiding the reunited Legion of Doom (LOD 2000) to a victory in that night's tag team battle royal. Sadly, personal demons led to Sunny's departure from WWE and downfall from grace. She continues to fight those demons today, experiencing both good and bad times along the way.
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Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.