10 Greatest Spinebusters In Wrestling History

6. Ahmed Johnson

But just like Booker€™s version was an improvement on Austin€™s, the Rock€™s spinebuster was outdone by another€”and by a performer who shared his surname, no less. Ahmed Johnson€”the company€™s first African-American singles champion€”delivered a spinebuster that was almost a carbon copy of the Rock€™s, but for one notable difference: Power, and plenty of it. Johnson would grip his opponent€™s legs and fall down with them€”much like the method of the Rock. But with an extra 50 or so pounds to play with, it€™s no wonder that Johnson€™s appeared far more devastating. And it wasn€™t just the smaller guys that felt Johnson€™s wrath€”he also pulled it out on big guys like Vader, which is no easy feat at all. From the People€™s Champion to the Pearl River Powerhouse, the move switches from one of fluidity and grace to one of intensity and power. I€™ll leave it up to you which combination you prefer, but I know for sure which one I€™d rather avoid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3G-wCXs338
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