10 Greatest Survivors In WWE Survivor Series History

7. Big Show (1 Sole Survival, 2 Team Survivals)

But as solid as Santana€™s record is, the Big Show€™s goes one better. The World€™s Largest Athlete has one Sole Survival to his name and a further two team survivals to edge him ahead of Santana. Show€™s sole survival came in 1999, when he tore through Mideon, the Godfather and Viscera within the first minute of the match. His hopes of a clean sweep were ended rather abruptly though, when his final foe, the Big Boss Man, would get himself purposely counted out in order to avoid being crushed by the giant. The two further team survivals came in 2004, when he, Eddie Guerrero and John Cena prevailed, and then more recently in 2010, when he emerged victorious alongside Rey Mysterio. Such a record makes for impressive reading, but his failure to record more than one Sole Survivor win prevents him from finishing any higher on this list.

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