10 Greatest WWE Sellers Of All Time

9. Mr. Perfect

Randy Orton selling

When it comes to out-ridiculousing Ric Flair in the selling department, there's only one other name that can come close: Mr. Perfect.

Not only was Curt Hennig one of the most proficient technical wrestlers of his - or any - generation, but the guy found ways to react to moves that surely must've been dreamt up during an acid-induced nightmare. And as with Flair, you could say that Hennig sometimes oversold his opponents' attacks. Quite often, however, those moments were the highlights of the match.

His go-to spot involved taking a face slam into the turnbuckle and then inexplicably leaping five feet in the air and corkscrewing onto his back. It was highly unrealistic and incredibly entertaining.

For some reason those outlandish bumps just worked, particularly when he incorporated them into his matches with bigger guys like Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger. Not only did those extra "flourishes" add some excitement in his bouts against substandard workers, but it also added to his opponent's superhuman-like mystique.

Now, in the grand scheme of things, people will always remember Hennig for his arsenal of pitch-perfect offensive maneuvers. But let's not forget his expansive repertoire of sells, too.

In this post: 
Randy Orton
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.