10 Greatest WWE Underdogs Of The 21st Century

4. Sami Zayn

rey mysterio

Although he’s been given a considerably short shrift since debuting on WWE’s main roster, Sami Zayn has all the tools at his disposal to become the company’s next big underdog - something spelled out by his nickname. Often touted to be the ‘next Daniel Bryan’, there’s a believability and intensity to Zayn’s anti-authority speeches that make you think he’s speaking from the heart.

Like Bryan, a lot of Sami’s appeal comes from his real world background. As a Canadian Muslim of Syrian descent, ‘The Underdog from the Underground’ incorporates both his heritage and his love of punk and ska music into a particularly effective downtrodden persona. He’s a smaller, more agile indie guy, who fought tooth and nail to get to the big leagues, before tragically being side-lined by injury just as a big push was around the corner.

His place in WWE becomes all the more interesting, when you consider the company’s ties to US President Donald Trump. Zayn has been outspoken against Trump’s attempted Muslim travel ban, despite the fact that the wife of his employer is part of the President’s current cabinet. This makes Sami the finest ‘shoot’ underdog of his generation – a genuine wrestling punk whose work as an anti-authority babyface is only bettered as a result.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.