10 Heel And Face Turns That Were Miserable Failures

10. Cesaro Turns Heel (2013)

In 2013 Cesaro was riding a wave of momentum that appeared to have him primed to ascend to the upper echelon of the WWE roster. He was getting great reactions from the crowd and had become the standout member of his Real Americans tag team with Jack Swagger. All signs pointed to a face turn and huge push. At WrestleMania XXX, Cesaro was the dominant winner of the inaugural Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, outlasting 29 other men, finally hoisting Big Show over the top rope to take home the mammoth trophy. Next to Daniel Bryan the victory received one of the loudest ovations of the entire event and you€™d have to be deaf and blind to not see the signs that Cesaro€™s time had come. Of course, we're talking about WWE here and there was no guarantee that they would act on this. They didn't, and instead of making him one of their new top faces, the next night on Raw they had him come out and dump manager Zeb Colter, only to declare himself a Paul Heyman guy, re-turning heel and doubling down on the stubborn decision to ignore the crowd. The heel run was a flop €“ we simply do not want to boo The Swiss Superman €“ and rather than letting him soak in the cheers they took away the Cesaro Swing so that fans wouldn€™t pop for it. A year and a half later, a couple of start/stop pushes and a brief tag team run with Tyson Kidd and Cesaro is slowly starting to regain his footing, but we have no faith in WWE€™s ability to handle this outstanding talent correctly. For whatever reason, Vince McMahon himself is apparently convinced Cesaro doesn€™t have what it takes to grab the brass ring.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.