10 Hidden Gems & Curiosities From WWE Network

9. The King Of The Road Match - WCW Uncensored 1995

Doink Jannetty
WWE Network

It's no gem, but it's definitely a curiosity: one of those match concepts so insane it's difficult to believe it actually happened without seeing it. But it did, at WCW's Uncensored 1995.

The PPV kicked off with a bizarre pre-taped match set on a moving truck between Dustin Rhodes and Barry Darsow in the guise of the Blacktop Bully. The two men stumbled around the flat bed trailer, bouncing bales of straw off each other's heads as they tried to reach the cab and blow the truck's horn. Given the truck, the camera cars and even the helicopter providing overhead shots, it can't have been cheap, but it managed to look it.

Fun bonus fact - Rhodes, Darsow and the road agent responsible were all fired when the competitors bladed, since the 'match' occurred at a time when deliberately bleeding was against WCW rules for everyone not named Hogan. Remember: this PPV was called Uncensored.


Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.