10 Hidden Talents You Didn’t Know WWE Wrestlers Have

7. Brian Kendrick (Stop Motion Animation)

Brian Kendrick Stop Motion Animation

If WWE ever cancel 205 Live for good and want to replace it with something quirky on the Network, they could ask Brian Kendrick to create some stop motion animation. That's right, the Cruiserweight veteran is a bit of an arty sort, and he once created animation shorts featuring fruit-based characters.

Who wouldn't want to see pear-fect recreations of 'King' Corbin as a crown-wearing banana? Don't answer that.

In between stints with WWE, Kendrick busily put together some of his unique animation work. It's impressive, and not only because Brian is one of the most talented in-ring workers and trainers out there, but also because stop motion work is seriously tough. It takes a lot of dedication, patience and talent to even create short sequences.

Spanky done good.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.