10 Highest-Paid WWE Wrestlers Of 2021

2. Roman Reigns - $5 Million

Kevin Owens money

No prizes for landing on who sits in the top two places of the WWE highest-earners tree.

But before we make the sizeable jump from #2 to #1, it's time to sit back and appreciate just how far The Tribal Chief has come since his salary was last appraised.

Upon popping back up at SummerSlam 2020 following a spell away from the spotlight, gone was the iconic Shield vest and forced presentation as the babyface guy. In its place was an indomitable force to be reckoned with, taking what he felt belonged to him as he formed a formidable unit with Special Counsel Paul Heyman and his Bloodline cousins.

A Universal Championship run for the ages, main eventing countless shows and elevating both SmackDown and the belt with astonishing ease make his $5 million WWE earnings look a little light when you consider just how vital he is to the modern day product. Whether you're a fan of his dialled up dramatics, both mid-match and on the mic, or not, few performers have held a candle to Reigns in terms of captivating consistency since his epic rejuvenation. So, expect a significant pay bump on The Island on Relevancy before long.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...