10 Iconic Wrestling Finishing Moves You Didn't Know Were Stolen

1. Stone Cold Stunner

Crash Holly Styles Clash

There's probably not a more memorable finishing move that was immortalized during the Attitude Era than the Stone Cold Stunner. (Other than Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm, of course.) Something about the Stunner just feels like it was tailor-made for the Texas Rattlesnake, from the abruptness of its delivery to the sheer devastation it caused to everyone unlucky enough to be on the receiving end.

Except, it most definitely wasn't tailor-made for Austin. Not unless you can call Mikey Whipwreck a tailor, that is.

Whipwreck was the epitome of a lovable loser in ECW, an average looking kid who wore tie-dyed shirts and long underwear under bicycle shorts. That, my friends, is not the ring gear of a bad ass.

But while Mikey may not have looked the part, he could absolutely deliver the pain when it mattered most. Enter the Whipper-Snapper, a facelock jawbreaker that looked like it could thoroughly crush a man's face bones even when it was executed by someone as unassuming as Whipwreck. Occasionally, he'd even deliver the move off the top rope for added agony.

Though Stone Cold officially credits John Laurinaitus and his Ace Crusher for the inspiration, there's no doubt that Whipwreck was "inspired" to perform the Stunner first.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.