10 Iconic Wrestling Finishing Moves You Didn't Know Were Stolen

8. Diamond Cutter

Crash Holly Styles Clash

We all know that the RKO owes a debt to Diamond Dallas Page's glorious finishing maneuver, but the lineage of the Diamond Cutter goes back much further than the halcyon days of WCW.

Cutters are one of the most popular types of moves in wrestling, with variations of it cropping up in roughly ten percent of all wrestlers' arsenals. (Okay, that number was completely pulled out of thin air, but doesn't it sound right.) Still, DDP brought the move into the spotlight for what felt like the first time.

It wasn't the first time, of course. Because otherwise it wouldn't have fit in with this article. Duh.

Johnny "Ace" Laurinaitus - better known to modern WWE fans as that dick in the suit who temporarily made Raw an unending snooze-fest - was the pioneer of the cutter, dubbing his finisher the Ace Crusher.

Regardless of Laurinaitus' more recent faults, everyone should thank this man for introducing one of the most bad ass and exciting finishing moves of all time. And honestly, after looking up compilations of his Ace Crusher, it's hard to decide if DDP or Orton consistently perform the move as amazingly as its originator.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.