10 Incredible WWE Attitude Era Moments Nobody Ever Talks About

3. "It's Time For Me To Do What I Have To Do!"

Undetaker Viscera Big Show
WWE Network

Within a week of the Montreal Screwjob, all of the Hart Dynasty except Owen were gone from the WWE. Contractual obligations meant that the youngest Hart was stuck to work for a company that had disrespected his brother and his family's legacy in his own country. But, whilst Owen took a few weeks off, the crowds' anticipation over his return grew. Post-Survivor Series he was more over than ever before. Yes, he'd always been supremely talented, but now there was no other family within the same promotion who could overshadow him, and the people knew it.

With the crowd firmly behind him, and the lines between reality and wrestling kayfabe blurred, Hart used the real-life heat to declare that he was no longer holding back. 'The Rocket' Owen Hart was no more. He was now the sole survivor, and the black sheep of the Hart family, or--simply the Black Hart... and he was out for revenge.

The opportunity would come at the last Raw of 1997, in a title match against the people who'd stolen the WWE Championship from his brother. But despite how over Owen was, Shawn Michaels was not to drop the belt to another Hart. Following some outside interference from Triple H, Owen Hart's push was simultaneously ended and he was put back into a mid-card non-starter rivalry over the European Championship.

Sadly, Hart's tragic passing the following year meant we would never get to see him as the WWE Champion, and this was as close as we'd get.

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David has finally gotten his act together and written a bio. The only trouble is, it's not very good...