10 Incredibly Dumb Things That Happen In WWE Every Year

1. Pointless In-Fighting Around Survivor Series Season

WWE Thanksgiving Tradition

Ever since WWE decided to reestablish Survivor Series as its fourth-biggest event (before it might have felt the same wrath as the fifth, King of the Ring), a lot of boondoggling ensued, often leaving the WWE Universe to wonder, "What was the point?"

It often starts with the draft or brand shake-up, which itself is another pointless tradition. Quite frequently, WWE shuffles around their superstars between Raw and SmackDown so much it would take time to show fans which wrestlers were on which show. The first time a draft occurred, it made sense. It was the first time WWE decided to make Raw and SmackDown separate shows. Afterward, it didn't quite have the same weight, as once Survivor Series concluded, superstars often hopped from show to show on a whim.

Nevertheless, since the brands have been renewed, WWE has pitted Team Raw against Team SmackDown in a traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match.

And like clockwork, one team doesn't quite get along, often leading to brawls before the event or to the team's downfall during the PPV tag match itself. Generally speaking, though, a month or so after the ordeal, the in-fighting is neutralized as quickly as the whole brand representation thing.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.