10 Indie Stars Who Were Supposed To Be The Next Big Thing

1. Teddy Hart

If Low Ki was known for burning bridges, then Teddy Hart is know for blowing up bridges, burning the remains and then p***ing on the ashes. Despite possessing incredible natural ability and timing, Hart had a tendency to be his own worst enemy at times. Teddy, the eldest grandchild of Stu Hart, degreed a measure of notoriety early in his career when he became the youngest wrestler ever signed by the WWE in 1998, at age 18. Hart trained in the developmental for several years before being released due to 'attitude problems'. Following his WWE release, you'd think Teddy would smarten up and apply himself. You'd be wrong. He was chased out of Ring of Honor after going into business for himself and performing several dangerous spots and dives, without forewarning his opponents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m959JGdOnpM Then, when he was supposed to be selling a beating, he did some backflips off a cage, just because. This incident was also the reason behind his and CM Punk's fight in a cafe in Nashville in 2003, which got both men canned by TNA. Teddy continued plying his trade on the indies before receiving another shot with WWE in 2006. He blew it, again. It was the same case of 'attitude problems'. Hart is unquestionably talented and could, perhaps should, have been a big star, but he kept getting himself in trouble. At one point, Teddy Hart was one of the most promising young wrestlers in the world but nowadays he's slumming it on little-seen indie shows and burying himself on shoot interviews.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...