10 Indisputable Reasons Why Vince McMahon Is Not A Genius

3. He€™s Blind To Nepotism


If you looked at the WWE television over the past 15 years, the character who has taken up the most TV time would probably be Triple H. How many episodes of Raw and SmackDown has he opened up with sleep-inducing 20 minute promos? How many matches have we seen him compete in? Well, he€™s had the third most matches in Raw history, and the third most pay-per-view matches in company history as well. Kane and The Undertaker are the only ones with more, and their promo time combined doesn€™t come anywhere near close to approaching Hunter. This all wouldn€™t be a problem if Triple H was actually over enough to deserve the time, and if he didn€™t coincidentally happen to be the bosses€™ son in law. Oh yeah, he€™s also held the WWE version of the World Heavyweight Title more than anyone else.

Didn't Vince learn anything from Francis Ford Coppola for putting his daughter in The Godfather 3? Apparently not, as another giant suck of TV time is his daughter Stephanie. She€™s taken quite a few breaks ever since she debuted, but when she€™s active, she€™s on-screen more than just about anyone. This is despite the fact that she€™s absolutely awful as a babyface, isn€™t that great of an actress in general, and hasn€™t wrestled a match in over a decade. Just watching her fake cry is enough for someone to give up the sport forever. She was also inexplicably given the job as the head of creative, and ever since she took over the ratings have consistently gone down. What other head writer on any TV show would enjoy the same luxury? Oh yeah, she€™s also a former Women€™s Champion.

Besides Hunter and Steph, Shane was also pushed in major angles while he was around. He main-evented multiple pay-per-views, and was a major player in the Attitude Era. He was known for taking crazy bumps with the added luxury of not having to work a full time schedule like other wrestlers. You can imagine if he was still around, he€™d still have a large TV presence. Oh yeah, he€™s also a former Hardcore and European Champion.

The less said about Linda McMahon, the better. She€™s so charismatically challenged that she makes Tensai look like Ric Flair. Now if Vince truly was a genius, you€™d think he€™d be self-aware enough to know that his family is hurting the company more than they€™re helping it. After all, the top heels in WWE aren€™t Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, and Cesaro, they€™re The Authority. Unfortunately, the heel owners is a concept in wrestling that is played out beyond belief. This appears to be obvious to everyone except for the owners of the biggest two companies in the United States.

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Vince McMahon
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As Rust Cohle from True Detective said "Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you're good at." Sadly, I can't solve a murder like Rust...or change a tire, or even tie a tie. But I do know all the lyrics to Hulk Hogan's "Real American" theme song and can easily name every Natural Born Thriller from the dying days of WCW. I was once ranked 21st in the United States in Tetris...on the Playstation 3 version...for about a week. Follow along @AndrewSoucek and check out my podcast at wrestlingwithfriends.com