10 Indy "Veterans" Making WWE TV Very Watchable Right Now

8. Darren Young

There's very few training schools better than the New Jersey-based Monster Factory, the school that assisted in giving us Darren Young. As well, Young wrestled for seven years on the North American East coast independent scene, namely for well-respected group the East Coast Wrestling Alliance (ECWA). Young comes from good stock, it's just that potentially, on numerous levels, Young's discomfort with himself proved to be problematic insofar as his evolution as a top star in WWE. Foremost, Young had to evolve past being seen as the "black John Cena dude" in the Nexus. Then, he had to deal with the stigma of being a lower card "guy in boots and tights." From there, the first iteration of the Prime Time Players involved Titus O'Neil really taking the bull by the horns, while Young was slower on the take. However, once telling the world that he was a homosexual, Young's evolution has really taken shape, and he's just as overall impressive in the PTPers as Titus. While some may have been surprised by their tag team championship run, it's in Darren Young finally feeling completely free as a performer and putting all of his seasoned and superior pieces together as a grappler that's allowed him to become a key contributor to WWE television.
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Xavier Woods
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Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.