For a wrestler synonymous with long flowing hair, Terry Taylor showing up with a Mohawk back in 1988 was a little odd. However, this was during a time when Vince McMahon was pushing child-friendly characters on television, which meant no one was exempt from having their gimmick altered to suit that era. Terry Taylor had tons of potential, which is almost certainly the reason why the company gave him the Red Rooster gimmick. The character would dress in red trousers, a red jacket and supposedly had no idea how to wrestle. It didnt matter that he was being managed by the great Bobby The Brain Heenan, each and every week Rooster had to pretend not to understand the line of work hed been in for years. Eventually the Red Rooster joined the forces of good and left Heenan behind. He then fully embraced the character by dyeing a tuft of his hair bright red and spiking it straight up to look like the animal he'd stolen his name off. Well, a little bit anyway. The Red Rooster might not be mentioned much by WWE, but his infamous Mohawk is still derided by long-time fans to this day.