10 Most Infamous WWE Champions

1. Hulk Hogan

Without a shadow of a doubt, Hulk Hogan is the most recognizable wrestler to ever hold the WWE Championship. A pop culture icon whom non-wrestling fans know and adore, Hogan transcended the industry but, at the same time, made WWE the global phenomenon it became. Hulkamania ran wild, infiltrating households across the United States and penetrating the mainstream media. MTV rushed to partner with Vince McMahon's promotion on the heels of the wrestling boom that was caused by the rise of the Hulkster and WrestleMania was born shortly thereafter. If McMahon is the father of modern day sports-entertainment, Hogan was the godfather. By 1993, however, it was clear that his best days were behind him. Bret Hart was the face of the future, the WWE champion and a hero to millions worldwide. Fans had anticipated him taking on the gargantuan Yokozuna and overcoming the odds, retaining the title and continuing his run atop the wrestling industry at WrestleMania IX. But that did not happen. Hart dropped the title to his superheavyweight opponent and Hogan made his way to the ring to check on the health of the Hitman. Despite already wrestling earlier in the evening, much further down the card (where he belonged), Hogan accepted the new champion's challenge for an impromptu title match and proceeded to beat him in mere seconds. What had begun as a show devoted to the youth movement in the company, WWE's next generation of stars, ended as yet another ego stroke for a man whose days as the face of McMahon's promotion had come and gone. It was a major disappointment for fans who had enjoyed what they had seen of the new faces and stories and they made their opinions known. The cheers for the Hulkster were not what they once were and when he was written out of the company at King of the Ring following a title loss to Yokozuna, few even noticed he was gone.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.