10 Most Innovative WWE Superstars Of All Time

9. Rob Van Dam

Mr. Monday Night, Mr. Pay Per View, The Whole F'N Show. Rob Van Dam is a man with many nicknames, the majority of which he came up with himself. RVD has never been short on confidence. And why should he be? Van Dam is one of the most athletically gifted performers in wrestling history, a firm fan favourite and can still go in the ring. Honing his craft first in Japan and then in ECW during the 90s his style slowly changed and he added new, innovative moves to his already impressive repertoire. With Van Dam being in ECW many of these moves naturally involved chairs. The Van Daminator, where RVD would spinkick a chair into his opponents face to the delight of the crowd and the Van Terminator, which saw him springboard across the entire length of the ring and dropkick a chair into his prone opponent ensured that he got over strong with the Philadelphia faithful. RVD wasn't just about the moves and other innovations included his laid back, stoner attitude. He wouldn't give interviews saying he was going to kick everyone's ass, rather that the time was 4:20 (a reference to his marijuana habit) and that he was going to 'smoke their ass'. He was calm and collected, cocky but extremely talented. RVD backed up his boasts. His airbrushed singlets featuring dragons, skulls and yin-yangs were also unlike anything seen in wrestling.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...