10 Most Innovative WWE Superstars Of All Time

3. The Dynamite Kid

Well, maybe there was another man in the same league as Tiger Mask. Tommy Billington, alias The Dynamite Kid, was another innovator. Decades before they came as standard, Dynamite was delivering high impact suplexes, dives and other daredevil manoeuvres. In the ring he was no nonsense and had only one speed: full speed. Dynamite didn't slow down for anyone and if you couldn't keep up, too bad. Although he was a lot smaller than the majority of wrestlers at the time, Dynamite knew how to handle himself outside of the ring thanks to his years training with British hard men Ted Betley and Billy Robinson. There were many times when other wrestlers tried to mess with Dynamite and paid for it. Dynamite, who could be an incredibly mean figure, was not to be messed with. Dynamite is now confined to a wheelchair and does not have the use of his legs thanks to his reckless style. In his autobiography Pure Dynamite he expressed no regrets over his wrestling career and says he wouldn't change a single thing. He opened up a lot of doors for future generations of smaller wrestlers and without him wrestling wouldn't be what it is today.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...