10 Insane Stories From WWE Tryouts
8. Lacey Evans Told Sammy Guevara How To Work

Sammy Guevara tried out for WWE in 2017.
He hadn't hit yet Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, so there was know way of knowing if he was fashionable enough for WWE, so they passed. That's the cynical/facetious take; perhaps WWE were wary of the attitude problems that Guevara was known for in the Texas scene.
Regardless, they never called him up, but you can still watch footage of Guevara in what is technically a WWE ring: the company uploaded it to YouTube.
Guevara is seen performing William Regal's favourite activity. No, not making Triple H a nice hot cuppa: instructing a developmental prospect to move forward with their left foot. This exercise was overseen by Lacey Evans, which seems weird until you remember that she was a marine and is probably well-qualified for this sort of thing. Still, it's a bit weird watching Lacey Evans, a not particularly great wrestler who'd only been at for a year in a role determining who is good enough to do it, like some grizzled solid hand agent. She berated Guevara for not announcing himself loudly enough and criticised his rolling technique.
The man can do a 630 senton!