10 Insane Wrestling Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

8. Daniel Bryan And Kurt Angle Have Never Earned A WON 5-Star Match Rating

Punk Hogan

Now your writer isn't suggesting that the Dave Meltzer's five-star rating system should be taken as gospel by any means. Some would even suggest he's gone a little off the rails in modern times, completely destroying said system with five+, six, and even seven-star scores over the last few years.

However, there's no questioning the fact that a five-star nod from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter man is seen as a prestigious milestone to those plying their trade in the industry.

That being said, just being one of the greatest workers of your generation, isn't a guarantee that you'll walk away with this accolade when all is said and done. Just ask Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan.

Despite putting on all-time classics against the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, and Brock Lesnar, these technical wizards are still without a Meltzer five-star rated match on their resumes. In the case of Bryan, that could all very much change in the not too distant future with his inevitable arrival in AEW. But when it comes to Angle, the record will always show that this Olympic hero never quite claimed full marks from the famous wrestling voice.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...