10 Insane Wrestling Moves AJ Styles Doesn't Do Anymore

A high-flying phenomenon!

Aj Styles Tna

AJ Styles may very well be the best worker in the entire world. The current WWE World Champion is 39 years old, but his ultra-athletic in-ring style would make men half his age jealous. His control over his own body is astounding, whether he's hitting a perfect Pele kick or making a springboard 450 splash look like it's not all that challenging. Even moving to WWE, a company that uses a 20 foot by 20 foot ring and ropes instead of cables, didn't slow him down.

Of course, that's not to say that Styles's arsenal hasn't changed over the years. A decade ago, when Styles was the babyface ace of TNA, his ring work was different than it is now. A combination of character evolution, physical wear and tear, and a move toward more of a "ring general" style has meant that "The Phenomenal One's" moveset has changed quite a bit.

YouTube user Italo Santana has focused on those abandoned moves, compiling a video entitled "Collection of Insane AJ Styles Moves He Doesn't Do Anymore."

Here's 10 moves that the WWE World Champion has had to ease off on over the years.

10. Handspring Back Elbow

Fosbury Flop

Tajiri may have made the handspring back elbow famous in the U.S., but there's no doubt that AJ Styles was able to pull off an equally amazing version of the move. The effortless high-flyer - seen here nailing longtime foe Christopher Daniels with the maneuver - had no trouble diving to his hands, hitting the ropes, rebounding, and taking one final, massive leap with his elbow extended.

Given that this maneuver is actually easier to do than some of the ones Styles still uses, it's not unthinkable to imagine that someday (maybe after a babyface turn), he could pull it out of mothballs and surprise everybody.

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AJ Styles
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013