10 Insane WWE Moments That Frightened The Fans

4. Shane's Constant Plummeting

Mick Foley Edge

If Jeff Hardy is the human highlight reel, Shane McMahon is the immortal stuntman.

Pretty much anything you could imagine, he's jumped off of. Want to see Shane O Mac leap off Hell In A Cell into the announcer's desk below? He's been there. Any interest in watching him coast to coast off the top of an ambulance onto the ground below? He's done that too. How about plummeting off of 50 foot high steel structuring? Shane's done that one forwards and backwards.

Bonus points go to his stunts not involving being dropped out of the sky. These would include moments such as being speared mid-air by Roman Reigns, trying a Shooting Star Press against AJ Styles, and nearly breaking his neck trying to break plexiglass at King of the Ring 2001. Seriously, try watching that plexiglass spot without cringing... we'll wait.

Jeff's falls may be prettier, but respect to Shane for the sheer impact of his stunts.


someone remind me to edit this