10 Most Intelligence Insulting WWE Moments Ever

1. Katie Vick

YouTubeYouTubeIt€™s nearly unanimous among the wrestling fanbase that the most horrendously, atrociously, putridly, disgustingly awful angle of all-time is the Katie Vick saga. If you were watching during this period, you already have it seared into your memory and will probably click out of this article right now from a desire to never relive it again, but If you weren€™t around for all the fun back in 2002 I highly suggest you seek it out ASAP. The depths that WWE sunk to have to be experienced to be believed. It all started when Triple H told Kane that he knew his big secret and threatened to tell the world the truth, that he was a murderer (here we go again). Kane, in an attempt to do damage control on Hunter€™s nefarious plan, stood in the ring the following week and told his story, one of young love and reckless irresponsibility. It seems when he was younger, the devil€™s favorite demon and his girlfriend had been out when, after having a little too much to drink, Kane got behind the wheel. They were in an accident, and Katie perished. The following week saw €œfootage€ of Kane at Katie€™s funeral, which in reality was Triple H in The Big Red Machine€™s mask, and viewers watched in disgust as he climbed into the casket and proceeded to have simulated sex with the mannequin posing as a corpse. The €œpunchline€ came when The Game tossed a handful of goo at the screen while lamenting that he just €œscrewed her brains out€. It was the kind of humor that middle schoolers would find lame, yet it must have entertained someone because it made it to air. The next Raw featured Triple H with another mannequin dressed as Vick, complete with cheerleading uniform, and a video of someone receiving an enema wearing cardboard cutouts of Hunter€™s face. Thankfully the feud died out after the blow-off casket match that ended with a Kane victory thanks to interference form Shawn Michaels. All hyperbole aside, this was probably the lowest point in WWE creative history.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.