10 John Cena Matches That Won The Internet

9. John Cena Vs Edge (Unforgiven 2006)

John Cena Edge Unforgiven 2006 TLC

As 2006 progressed, Cena remained a controversial figure, and the heat on him was legitimate. Yet he was also one half of one of the most entertaining feuds of the year. In fact, his feud with Edge could be considered one of the best feuds of that decade.

At Unforgiven 2006, they contested a TLC match, with Cena winning back the WWE Championship in half an hour of thrills. It was a bout of genuine quality, and the extravagant spots proved that Cena was more than just a basic wrestler. Taking bumps off ladders and through tables is tough gig.

While fans did boo him, the quality of his performance was recognised that night, and heproved that he was more than one dimensional.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.