10 John Cena Matches That Won The Internet

5. John Cena Vs CM Punk (Raw, February 2013)

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Having said that Cena had the best Raw match of all time against Shawn Michaels, you'd have to say that the second best Raw match of all time was his bout against CM Punk in 2013.

With the WrestleMania WWE Title number one contender status on the line, Punk and Cena went out there to make a statement on how much 'Mania meant. Hence moves like Punk piledriving Cena, and a hurricanrana from Cena on Punk. It was sensational, a WrestleMania main event calibre match, which was perhaps the entire point:to send a message that this should have been 'Mania 29's show closer.

Once again, fans had to give it up to Cena after the match. His performance had been world class. It is hard to hate on someone who provides the best Raw match of the decade.

WWE Writer

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