10 Lamest WWE Ideas Ever

When WWE made a fool of themselves.

Over the years, World Wrestling Entertainment have burned through a lot of ideas. It makes sense that Vince McMahon and his staff are always looking for something different, because they have wheeled out a lot of content. Stretching right back to when the organisation was known as the WWF, McMahon and company have also had their fair share of brain farts. Such creative calamities are under the microscope in this article. The 10 following examples are amongst the worst characters, storylines and creative decisions the WWF/WWE have ever taken. Quite clearly, the writing squad were experiencing creative burn out when coming up with these abominations. Absolutely none of the following entries did any good for the promotion. Not only did they fail to draw money and entice people into arenas, they also often exist as some of the lamest decisions in WWE history. There's quite a lot of variety contained here. Whether officials felt building an entire event around what was inside a giant egg, or simply ruining their own booking through horrendous decision making, it's all on this list. World Wrestling Entertainment have obviously done a lot of good for the professional wrestling industry, but as this list proves, they've also come up with some of the lamest ideas around.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.