10 Lamest WWE Survivor Series Teams Ever

7. British Bulldog & The Mean Street Posse (1999)

Poor British Bulldog. Davey Boy Smith was an Intercontinental Champion, a Tag Team Champion, a Hardcore Champion and a European Champion who competed for the WWF Championship and, at this particular event, he had to lead out the Mean Street Posse - one of the lamest stables in wrestling history. His face in the photograph says it all but, needless to say, the unlikely quartet lost to the team of Val Venis, Mark Henry, Gangrel and Steve Blackman back in 1999, despite Bulldog's best efforts. Pete Gas, Rodney and Joey Abs were, predictably, the first three men eliminated, leaving Bulldog to fend for himself and, after he managed to eliminate Gangrel and Blackman, he was undone by the remaining duo of Val Venis and Mark Henry.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.