10 Last-Minute WWE Disasters That Came So Close To Ruining Royal Rumbles

7. CM Punk Gets KO'd By Kofi Kingston - 2014

The Rock

Before Chicago's favourite son made his triumphant return to wrestling in August, it'd long seemed as though 2014's infamous Royal Rumble event would mark CM Punk's last-ever appearance inside of a squared-circle... and it's not hard to see why.

On top of not being lined up for an intriguing match at the upcoming 'Mania XXX, The Voice of the Voiceless found himself being sparked out early into his eventual-50-minute showcase during the titular 30-person over-the-top-rope brawl.

Old pal Kofi Kingston was the unfortunate distributor of this KO, coming on the back of a dodgy flying clothesline, and this unanticipated injury immediately threw Punk's involvement in the contest into doubt. The former WWE Champion was destined to play a pivotal part in the closing stages. However, Kane was prepared to eliminate the rocked star early... before Punk told him where to go. So, the planned angle between the two ultimately went ahead, with Punk later being taken out and dumped through a table for good measure.

Seven years of inactivity, numerous trials stemming from the controversial closing stages of his WWE career, and some much needed rest later, Punk seems back to his healthy best in AEW.

Long may he clobber...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...