10 Last-Minute WWE WrestleMania 39 Pitches For Steve Austin

6. ’Stone Cold’ Reveals His Future

Steve Austin Sami Zayn WWE WrestleMania 39

Speaking strictly from a fan's perspective, it's pretty shocking that Austin knocked back the chance to work with either Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns. Perhaps the icon reasoned he'd have to lose to both men, and didn't fancy seeing an 'L' on his record following last year's heroics vs. Kevin Owens.

It's not like Steve needs WWE's money these days.

Most have made peace with the Brock situation. It was supposed to happen way back in 2002, so 21 years passing has calmed some of the "dream match" calls. Reigns is another animal altogether though; Roman vs. 'Stone Cold' would do megabucks in the modern era, especially now that Reigns is a made man.

What if Austin appears at WrestleMania 39 and announces his intentions to wrestle Roman at SummerSlam (or something like that)? Hell, WWE wouldn't even need to slap a date on the bout, or hype it as a title showdown. Merely announcing their intentions to do it would get fans giddy.

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