10 Legendary Wrestlers Who Couldn't Cut A Promo
5. Jeff Hardy

Take away the script, let Jeff Hardy be Jeff Hardy, allow him to speak from the heart, and the 42-year-old can hold an audience. He is one of hundreds of wrestlers hamstrung by WWE's ridiculous overscripting, but such is the law in Vince McMahon's world. A dozens-strong army of writers puts words in your mouth, some of which will inevitably be at odds with who you really are, leading to awkward, clunky diatribes and phrases that no normal human being would ever say in regular conversation.
Jeff's brother Matt is a more compelling talker but a less spectacular wrestler. What the younger Hardy lacks in spoken charisma, however, he more than makes it for in physical charisma. Wowing audiences not only for his willingness to take tremendous risks and put his body on the line for the audience's entertainment, Jeff has an X-factor - a magnetism that makes it hard to look away when he's doing his thing. This partly explains why he's still so popular 22 years after signing his first WWE contract.
There's still a big difference between his promos and the rest of his work, though...