10 Lessons Ronda Rousey Could Teach WWE

5. Invincibility Equals Dollars Too

Key to what makes Ronda Rousey fights sell too is the idea that Rousey's literally invincible. We've never really seen her challenged, and moreover, we presume that if we ever see any level of challenge occur that she's gifted enough as a fighter to have the answer. It's not that any of this is necessarily true, but perception absolutely equals reality. WWE may actually already realize this, but they have their own invincible diva on the rise in Charlotte. As Ric Flair's daughter, there's already an aura of excellence that surrounds her. Furthermore, as a performer her execution is so on point that you could perceive her as being good enough to reverse any maneuver and deliver a finishing strike or submission so vicious that defeat is inevitable. For WWE's women, invincible looking more like Ronda Rousey and less like The Undertaker may indeed be a gift.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.