10 Lessons WWE Could Learn From Their Own History

2. Sometimes, Less Is More

vince mcmahon

Last year WWE held fifteen PPVs, and there is every chance that this year there will be more. On top of that, they produce three hours of Raw each week, two hours of SmackDown, one hour of NXT, one hour of 205 Live, and one hour of Main Event. That's enough wrestling to make you sick.

Then there’s the way that they present that wrestling. Everything involved is the most important thing that could ever happen or the most incredible moment of all time. It’s never just a normal match. It’s a blood feud or an epic war. It’s like a kid in a candy shop of clichés, and it’s exhausting.

So what if you stripped it all back? What if you had half that number of PPVs and half the hours of television? What if some of the lower card matches were presented as not life or death but instead as wrestlers going out there and trying to outdo each other? What if everything was a bit simpler? Does that not sound nice? Would any of you have missed Payback?

Of course, it will never happen. WWE makes too much money off the things they do and cutting back on that is not good for business. However, you have to wonder if in the long run, the current method of doing things is going to hurt them. More and more wrestling fans suffer from WWE fatigue each year, and a return to the days of less wrestling sounds mighty tempting.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83