10 Life Lessons Every Man Can Learn From WWE Star Daniel Bryan

10. Facial Hair Rocks

Daniel Bryan has truly taught us to "respect the beard" and that facial hair definitely rocks. Despite all the goat jibes and the basic fact that his beard is kind of scruffy, he totally rocks it and has acted as the inspiration for thousands of fans around the world to grow out their facial hair and flaunt their rugged masculinity. Beard-related Daniel Bryan merchandise sells like hotcakes - "Goat Face" T-shirts, "Respect the Beard" T-shirts and fancy dress beards are just some of WWE's most popular products at the current time - and Bryan's career has certainly flourished during his beard-wearing era. So, men, wear your beards with pride - just like Daniel Bryan.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.