10 Life Lessons From Stone Cold Steve Austin Every Fan Must Follow

4. "What?" - Always Be Inquisitive, Never Believe Everything You See/Read

Over in the UK at the moment there is a big hoo-ha being made about internet scammers after a well known TV personality was robbed of £3500 by signing up to one of the schemer's ploys. If the presenter in question lived by arguably Stone Cold's most famous catchphrase then he wouldn't find himself being hit so hard in the pocket at the minute. This outlook on life can be related to quite literally any situation. Anything. Just think out a situation now and try and find a way which this couldn't be applied. By no means should you proclaim 'What?' Over and over again as any strangers you deal with will go out of their way to have you sectioned. But always be vigilant in 'what'ever you do or you could end up filled with regret for a long, long time.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.