10 Life Lessons From The Rock Every Man Must Follow

3. "Who In The Blue Hell Are You?" - Take Time To Get To Know People

The Rock Goofyu To be fair, The Rock would usually follow up his line "Who in the blue hell are you?" by waiting for the person to answer and then cutting them off with "It doesn't matter who you think you are!" But deep down it does matter. And Rock has always made time for people, he is a friendly and sociable person who makes time to express his gratitude to the people who got him where he is. Being an approachable and friendly person will help you in the game of life. Taking time to get to know people will help you form relationships will ultimately be mutually beneficial. Just take a look at The Rock and Mick Foley. Sure, at first The Rock thought Foley was some sort of hermit who had wondered in from the streets. But then The Rock got to know Mick Foley, and the 'rock and sock connection' was formed. Ultimately this would benefit both men, and when Foley was attacked by Evolution in 2004 it was The Rock who came to his friend's aid. Take time to get to know people, friendships are important.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.