10 Live Observations From WWE Glasgow

5. New Day Rocks

Xavier Woods Glasgow 2016

The main event of the first half of the show was a triple threat match for the Tag Team titles with The Usos, The Dudley Boyz and the Double-U Double-U Eeeee World Tag Teeeeam Chaaaampions, THE NEEEEW DAYY!

Sorry, I got a bit carried away there...

Anyway, Jimmy and Jey came out to a good reaction from the kids in the audience, then The Dudley Boyz got a much bigger babyface pop than I expected as they made their way to the ring before the Power of Positivity hit the Hydro as The New Day made their entrance to the biggest reaction of the night so far.

Xavier Woods was the MVP of the evening as he played the trombone, danced and during the match was getting chopped on the back by everyone before grabbing the mic and screaming at Jimmy Uso "What are you doing? That hurts. Stop it".

Of course Usos be Usos and he did it again so Xavier exclaimed "I'M LEAVING!". Bubba Ray Dudley ran after him and threw him back in the ring before Big E hit the big ending on Jey Uso to retain the Tag Titles much to the delight of the Glasgow Unicorned faithful.

The New Day were head and shoulders the best thing and biggest stars on the show so far. The level of interaction and engagement they had with the crowd was fantastic to witness.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.