10 Longest WWE Title Reigns Ever

2. Bob Backlund - 2135 Days*

If Hogan's was the most significant in WWE history, Bob Backlund's first run with the gold may be the most controversial due to the debate about its end. Everyone agrees that the first reign began on February 2, 1978 when he defeated "Superstar" Billy Graham to win the title. Even that win is not without controversy as Graham clearly had his foot on the rope. Nonetheless, Backlund became champion and embarked on a reign that saw him carry the mantle for WWE as the handsome, all-American champion. It is in 1979 when things get interesting. During a tour of Japan, Backlund wrestled the legendary Antonio Inoki in Tokushima, Japan. In that match, Inoki beat Backlund and won the title. He even appeared in New York's Madison Square Garden as champion before returning to his home country for a rematch against Backlund. A controversial, interference-filled match saw Backlund win the title. When the win was declared void by WWE President Hisashi Shinma, Inoki turned the title down and it was vacated. A short time later, Backlund defeated the double-tough Bobby Duncam in a Texas Death Match to win the gold. World Wrestling Entertainment, to this day, does not recognize that the title ever changed hands. The title history published on their official site lists Backlund as champion from 1978 until December 26 of 1983, when he lost the gold to the Iron Sheik. It also does not reference the night the title was held up following a match between Backlund and the vastly underrated Greg Valentine. That dispute would be ended quickly as Backlund defeated Valentine to regain the title but it is yet another example of controversy surrounding the title reign of the 2013 Hall of Fame inductee. Because the title is the WWE Championship and the company does not recognize either instance of Backlund losing it, his entire five-year championship reign will remain intact for the purposes of this article. Even if there is a rather large elephant in the room and a noticeable asterisk next to his place in history.
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Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.