10 Major WWE Superstars That Hated Hulk Hogan

8. Shawn Michaels

Once again, the issue between Michaels and Hogan was completely down to a couple of over inflated egos wanting to get their own way. The pair differed on how they wanted their highly anticipated €˜Icon Vs Legend€™ match at SummerSlam 2005 to play out. HBK wanted a, let€™s see who is the better man, in a face taking on face encounter. Whilst Hogan wanted the classic babyface versus heel feud, with Michaels being made to play the bad guy; WWE creative evidently agreed with Hogan€™s way of thinking. Michaels responded by overselling everything within the match, almost to a pantomime level of performance. Whilst it is undeniable that this was a childish way for HBK to respond after losing the backstage battle of the egos, it made for hilarious viewing. The following night on Raw, Michaels cut a promo sarcastically praised Hogan€™s great performance within the match, claiming that The Immortal One€™s in-ring prowess was far superior to his own and that he therefore simply could not compete. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf4LsjwAWho Hogan later stated that the feud was set up for a possible three match encounter and that he thought the pair was going to draw a lot of money, but Hulk pulled the plug on the feud as soon as he heard Shawn Michaels mocking his victory on Raw.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.