10 Major WWE Superstars Who Hated AJ Lee

3. Stephanie McMahon

It was an iconic (if somewhat disingenuous moment) at this year's Academy Awards; actress Patricia Arquette made a bold statement about equal payment and opportunities for women in Hollywood. As Gawker's Hamilton Nolan so brilliantly put it, "Declaring one's support for social equality while standing on stage at the Oscars is a little like declaring your pacifism while wildly firing a machine gun, but sure, it's better than nothing." Stephanie took this opportunity to state her support of Patricia Arquette, and in response, AJ completely blew up her boss' spot. She tweeted the following: "Your female wrestlers have record selling merchandise & have starred in the highest rated segment of the show several times, and yet they receive a fraction of the wages & screen time of the majority of the mail roster. #UseYourVoice" Stephanie tweeted back some corporate approved niceties, the original AJ tweet was deleted, and no one ever mentioned it, ever again.
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AJ Lee
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Kevin is an AP English Language teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. His focus is on American pop culture and American issues. He wrote a weekly column for Complex called "Throwback Thursdays," which spotlighted video games and trends from previous console generations. Kevin has also been published in VIBE, Salon, PopMatters, Joystiq, and Racialicious. Follow him on Twitter to learn more.