10 Managers WWE Must Use

7. Mark Henry - Big E

enzo amore

Mark Henry, as he once eloquently put it while smashing John Cena into paste, has a lot left in the tank. Although his active in-ring career is basically over, he's got decades of experience and is still one of the strongest human beings walking the planet. He could be a mentor for a younger talent the way that Tony Atlas once was for him.

That young talent? Big E.

Once an absolute monster capable of demolishing The Shield by himself, E has somewhat lost his edge as part of The New Day. Mark Henry saw his own promising career derailed by comedy for years, and he could draw on his frustration over his own unrealized potential to keep Big E focused on domination.

It's not too late for Big E to reclaim his place as a future world champion, and that path starts with recovering his mean streak and making Kofi and Woods the first members of his own personal Hall of Pain.

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Enzo Amore
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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.