10 Milestones WWE Divas Still Need To Pass

10. Smashed Through An Announce Table

Ever since Diesel first sent Bret Hart crashing through the ringside announce table all the way back in the mid 1990s, the act of someone going through the commentary table is now one of the most commonplace acts of bump-taking we see on WWE television. Initially going through the announce table was so shocking it was reserved only for high-profile matches on PPVs. These days it's not so shocking, and occurs quite often on free to watch television. It does still remains the preserve of high-profile feuds however, which is not often a description of Divas rivalries. There's also the fact that the tables have been reinforced (or so they tell us), and they sometimes have the knack of not collapsing when they're meant to, even with the weight of two men. It might not even be a physical possibility to put a Diva through the announce table simply because they don't weigh enough. That being said, with 20 years history of people going through Jerry Lawler's workstation, we've still never seen a diva go through one, or even attempt it.
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Divas AJ Lee
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