10 Mind Blowing Facts About The Undertaker

1. The Undertaker Earns Nearly One Million Dollars To Wrestle Once Per Year

Yeah. It's rumored that The Undertaker's pre-bonus take home pay for the year 2013 was $874,000. That's pre-bonus, and that's also for wrestling one match in that entire year. Is The Undertaker's legacy worth nearly $1 million? It's debatable. Note that paying a man that much money with that much of a reduced schedule is pretty much paying him for what he now means to the build of Wrestlemania, too. U ndertaker has to be under contract in order to build an opponent for him to wrestle. If he say, weren't signed, it'd be a bit more difficult to have him (and at one time, his streak) out there as potential draws to the show itself. This one is number one because now that the streak and the man are gone, it'll be VERY intriguing to see just how much this affects the build to Wrestlemania. Though very rarely considered on the lists of "top all time draws," that number alone should easily include him in the conversation with Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and The Rock as one of the best WWF drawing attractions ever.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.