10 Mind-Blowingly BATSH*T WWE Moments You Totally Forget About

2. Friar Ferguson: The Mad Monk

Friar Ferguson

Before eventually settling into the unforgettable (for all the wrong reasons) role of Bastion Booger during his brief spell as part of the WWE machine, Mike Shaw actually debuted another bizarre character that ended up getting the company into a fair bit of unexpected trouble.

A few months before going full Booger in the summer of 1993, it's largely forgotten that the big man was forced to walk out in front of the Monday Night Raw crowd and batter his adversary while dressed as a giant monk.

Delivering the oddest back body drop you ever did see in his barefoot and robed get-up, the "mad" Friar managed to pick up the 'W' during his perplexing first appearance via holy arse to the face, naturally.

The unreal sight of the ass-kicking monk sadly didn't last too long after that squash arrival, though, as WWE panicked after earning some heat from the Catholic Church of New York and decided to delete the character before it ever really got going.

Oh, what could have been, eh?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...