10 Modern Wrestlers Who Embody The Spirit Of Classic Superstars

9. The Usos

Brock Lesnar Paul Heyman Andre Paul Heenan

It'd be easy to look at this list and come to the conclusion that tag team competitors simply aren't appreciated in our modern era as much as they used to be, and that any team with a decent arsenal of moves and half of a personality between them would've made it in previous eras.

While that may not be completely off, it's worth noting that The Usos occupy almost the exact same spot on the tag roster as another young, aerially-inclined team from the '80s: The Rockers.

Like The Rockers in their heyday, there's nothing in particular to distinguish one Uso from the other in terms of personality. They're not much to listen to - when they even bother to speak at all - and they've rarely been given an opportunity for evolution. (Though there's hope that their recent heel turn will be more prosperous in that department.)

But they also remain popular with the younger crowd and they consistently bring excitement and energy into the ring. They can put on stellar matches when called upon, even if they lack the dazzling charisma of Shawn Michaels in his prime.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.