10 Moments You Can’t Believe WWE Left On The Network
3. Diss The Divas Live & Uncut!

On the August 30, 2004 episode of RAW, WWE presented a Diva Search contest between aspiring WWE performers/publicity hounds Christy Hemme, Carmella DeCesare, Amy Weber and Joy Giovanni entitled "Diss The Diva".
This was held when the company was firmly entrenched in the scripted promo era, which just adds to the brain-melting insanity. Of all the performers on the show, why allow four total greenhorns a live microphone and an open platform? Instead of, say, a gifted midcard talent looking to create a bond with the audience?
Carmella was...not well-liked. This resulted in some heinous and foul-mouthed verbal abuse - all of which you can enjoy for just 9.99 per month! Joy was the first to aim fire, telling Carmella that she "talks a lot of sh*t." The expletive was bleeped, but whomever had their finger on the button was evidently as shocked as everybody else, because they missed it spectacularly when it was time for Amy to grab the microphone.
"Whore!" is how she began her diatribe. Start as you mean to go on. "You know sh*t about wrestling," she said - and says over a decade later, the beep badly mistimed and totally unedited. Carmella during her segment told Christy that she hoped she'd win. The sentiment was not returned.
"Carmella, you're a c*m-burping gutterslut," Christy said. The word c*m was beeped but it's so obvious it's a wonder WWE in 2017, post-Revolution, don't just sound a klaxon throughout the whole thing.