10 Monster Wrestling Matches That Were Devastating Disappointments
9. Kane Vs Vader

Intended to be a legitimate in-ring test for Kane a month before he'd square off with his brother The Undertaker in their climactic first encounter, the 'Big Red Machine's match with Vader was a hopeless effort from both until Paul Bearer's monster eventually got around to polishing the struggling 'Mastodon' off.
Having decimated Mankind in his maiden pay-per-view offering the previous November, Kane had since been protected on television as a brand new force of destruction greater even than his older sibling. Swerve-turning on 'The Deadman' at January's Royal Rumble, Kane set a casket alight with The Undertaker inside, condemning to eternal damnation or whatever the scripting at the time called for.
With Bearer considering that matter dealt with, he took to using Kane as an implement of torture on the roster at large with a view of eventually riding big red coat-tails back to the WWE Title. Bearer's former client Vader was physically on par with the demonic new creature, but had lost so much steam with the crowd that his previously-believable offence couldn't have had less impact.
The match wasn't one-sided, but the emotional investment was. Vader used a moonsault, a powerbomb and (rather fittingly) a fire extinguisher, but at no point did a single fan consider the contest going any other way. A long, dull, drawn-out snails pace race to the finish, Kane's match-winning Tombstone thankfully finished Vader just before both men completely killed the crowd.