10 More Before They Were Famous WWE Cameos

5. Will Ferrara

Will Ferrara might not be the most famous wrestler in the world, but he is - at the very least - forging a promising career down in Ring of Honor.

And the signs are that he's on the radar of WWE, who hired him in 2015 to play the role of a cameraman who got a little too close to the action when famous lunatic Dean Ambrose was busy beating up Seth Rollins' hapless security detail, aka Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury (who might as well have been nameless extras themselves, in truth).

Unlike Shawn Michaels, Dean at least had the decency to check if the guy he just knocked to the ground was OK, doing so with an air of sincerity which made some viewers believe that we really had just witnessed an actual club-footed camera man ruin the segment.

But no: unless Ferrara leads a double life, it seems it was planned all along, possibly conceived as a funny way for J&J to escape Dean's clutches before he could really give them what for.

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